Influence of RF sputtering power and doped hydrogen on the structure of Si ∶ Hfilms 射频溅射功率和掺杂氢对硅氢薄膜结构的影响
These days there are many talks on converting fuel cars to some new sources of power: hydrogen or electrical driven, many hybrids appear which use both electricity and fuel. 这些天来有燃料车在转换一些新的能源来源,许多会谈:氢或电力驱动,很多杂交出现,并同时使用电力和燃料。
This astonishing image-captured by a new Nasa space telescope-shows a ferocious solar flare looping out the Sun with the power of100 hydrogen bombs. 这张震惊的图片是被美国宇航局太空望远镜拍到的,我们看到,一团炽热的猛烈喷发出的火焰包围着太阳,其释放出的能量相当于100个氢弹。
Currently our main products are PV grid-tied inverter, PV grid-off inverter, wind power inverter, hydrogen fuel cell inverter, PV-lamps inverter, EPS, etc. 公司目前的主要产品为光伏并网逆变控制器、光伏离网逆变控制器、风力逆变控制器、氢燃料电池逆变控制器、路灯逆变控制器、应急电源等。
So, you might say, well, gee, why don't we just power our cars with hydrogen, use an internal combustion chamber. 你可能会说,好吧,哎呀,为什么我们不把氢气,放在汽车内部的燃烧室,来给我们的汽车提供动力呢。
That base has been inhibiting the introduction of fuel cell vehicles, which generate power by converting hydrogen to electricity, with water as the main byproduct. 在这种情况下,燃料电池驱动的汽车的引入就会受到限制&电动汽车主要通过将氢转化为电能作为动力,水是主要的副产品。
If extremely low-cost power were ever to become available from large nuclear power plants, electrolytic hydrogen would become competitive. 如能从大型电核电站获得成本极低的电力,电解氢的竞争能力就会增强。
They benefit from an existing power grid and retail fuel network that would cost hydrogen advocates tens of billions to replicate. 它们只是得益于现有的电网和燃料零售网络氢燃料汽车的支持者们需要耗费数百亿美元去复制这一网络。
It can recharge itself when accelerating or decelerating and continues to produce power as long as it has hydrogen and oxygen. 它可以在加速或减速时自行充电,只要有氢气和氧气就能继续产生能量。
Advanced gasification technologies for oil sands coke and low rank coals to produce power and hydrogen; 油砂焦炭和低煤级煤碳通过先进气化技术生产电能和氢;
Zero Emission coal-based power generation is one of the novel coal-based power generation techniques based on the hydrogen production from coal and solid oxide fuel cell in recent years. 零排放煤基发电是近年来发展起来的、基于煤制氢和燃料电池的新型煤基发电技术。
By virtue of the characteristic test of aeration and release of metal hydride hydrogen storage alloy and the matching of hydrogen storage tank and PEMFC power system, matching characteristic of hydrogen storage alloy and PEMFC was acquired. 通过金属氢化物贮氢合金的充、放氢特性试验,以及贮氢器与质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)发电系统的匹配等试验,获得金属氢化物贮氢合金与PEMFC相匹配的技术特性。
A HV EFT generator is developed, which adopts switching mode power supply as HV DC power supply and hydrogen thyratron as switch. 在此基础上研制了一台以开关电源作为高压直流电源、以氢闸流管作为主控开关的脉冲群电源。
The influence of operation pressure of 40 kW PEM fuel cell power system on hydrogen fuel efficiency of whole power system was discussed, the influence of this power system operation pressure on PEM stack power output was also discussed. 讨论了该动力系统运行时的空气与氢气压力对燃料电池堆输出功率的影响,并综合讨论了对整体系统氢燃料效率的影响。
Considering the influence factors of metal hydride hydrogen storage tank and the thermal characteristic of PEMFC, technical project of hydrogen storage alloy for PEMFC power system hydrogen storage is put forward at last. 综合考虑贮氢合金性能的影响因素以及PEMFC发电系统的热特性,最后提出了贮氢合金作为PEMFC发电系统储氢单元的技术方案。
The hydrogen power system consists of hydrogen feeding unit, fuel cells, power transformer and the control systems. 氢能发电系统由氢源、燃料电池和电力变换器及其控制系统组成。
Dynamics of soft X-ray radiation spectra of imploding wire arrays on the S& 300 pulsed power generator LIQUID HYDROGEN TARGET 丝阵靶箍缩等离子体软X射线辐射能谱研究
Thermo-chemical processes input new power for production and energy system development of rich hydrogen gases. 生物质热化学转化制取富氢气体的技术路线也为氢能源系统的发展提供了广阔的前景。
Practice of power peak load shifting in hydrogen productio by water electrolysis 电解制氢过程中削峰填谷实践
The water gas from underground coal gasification can be used for combined cycle power generation, pure hydrogen extraction, chemical feeding materials, industrial fuel gas, residential gas etc. 煤炭地下气化煤气可用于联合循环发电、提取纯H2以及用作化工原料气、工业燃料气、城市民用等。
Ni/ MH battery is a new type of power source, which adopt hydrogen storage alloy as active material of negative electrode. MH-Ni电池是采用储氢合金材料作为负极的新型化学电源。
The relations between an external power load and the corresponding hydrogen flow are established, and the function of the external load tracking can realize. 通过模型构建的功率与氢气流量二者之间对应关系,实现外部功率负载的跟踪功能。
Furthermore, two advanced Co-production systems based on the coal gasification with single-step hydrogen production technology are constructed, which can provide a way lead to the Co-production system with power and hydrogen. 在此基础上提出了两种基于煤直接制氢技术的未来先进联产系统,为氢电联产系统的发展提供了参考。
According to hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, two kinds of microreactor for hydrogen production for different power hydrogen fuel cells which use metal foam as catalyst support were designed and manufactured. 基于硼氢化钠水解制氢反应原理,采用高性能泡沫金属载体板,设计制造了两种针对不同功率氢燃料电池使用的制氢微反应器。
Power is stored by clean hydrogen, and in the way of solid hydrogen storage, which guarantee the safety of the hydrogen use. During the energy conversion and utilization process, the formation of water can be recycled and no pollution. 在能源的转换和利用过程中,生成的水可以循环利用,绿色无污染。
However, contamination is less serious to the materials prepared at relatively high power and high hydrogen dilution, with higher crystalline volume fraction ( Xc) and the ( 220) preferable orientation. 3. 而在较高功率和较强氢稀释下制备的晶化率较高、(220)晶向明显择优的材料,受硼污染影响相对较小。
The power spectra radiated by one-dimensional hydrogen atom and one-dimensional helium ion in intense laser femtosecond laser pulse field were obtained. 得到了在强激光飞秒脉冲作用下的一维原子辐射高次谐波的功率谱。
Hydrogen production technique is usually divided into two major types: ( 1) Hydrogen is producted through water electrolysis with electric power consumption; Hydrogen is transformed from other primary energy fuels with energy loss. 制氢技术通常分为两大类:一类是电解水制氢,需要消耗电能;另一类是从其它一次能源转化制氢,伴随有能量损失。